Joy of Giving Donation Drive (Humara Gurukul)  - Ridge Valley School Gurgaon - Best CBSE School for Holistic Education
Joy of Giving Donation Drive (Humara Gurukul) 

Joy of Giving Donation Drive (Humara Gurukul) 

No one has ever become poor by giving, so there is no reason why we shouldn’t do it as soon as possible. With this sentiment in mind and heart, students of Ridge Valley School visited the Hamara Gurukul, the slum behind the Delhi Public International School, Sector-55 for Joy of Giving Donation Drive. The students distributed clothes and food with enthusiasm to the residents. They also visited the community school being run to educate the children of the slum area and gave toys, books and food to them. Our students interacted with the residents and the school children and expressed their desire to be a part of their lives in a more fulfilling manner. For this purpose, many of our kids decided to visit the community school again next year to teach various subjects, art and craft and sports to the kids studying there. 

The genuine smiles on the faces of the residents were enough to brighten the day of our students. It was a very fulfilling experience for both the students as well as the teachers. 
