Ridge Valley School's Infrastructure and Exceptional Facilities

Facilities & Infrastructure old


School amenity is much more than a passive container of the educational process; it is rather an integral component of the conditions of learning. The school boasts of a huge expanse of secured land in the hub of the city.

The premises of the school are air-conditioned, the house keeping staff is trained and up to date, meals provided are healthy and prepared under hygienic conditions. In addition to providing a wholesome and outstanding curriculum, the school ensures dedicated spaces for all activities.

Safety being of paramount importance there are CCTV cameras in the premises and sufficient lady guards and security men. All the air-conditioned buses in the school apart from a verified bus conductor have lady security personnel and the buses can be tracked with the help of an app. The school provides for a web base learning program and smart classes.

For the differently abled, the school has a ramp for ease and comfort.

  • Clinic 
    There is a doctor on call and a full-time nurse available during school hours, in the medical room. In the case of an emergency or where an ailment requires a specialist’s attention, the student is immediately transferred to the Private Hospital with which the school shares an abiding contract. A periodical medical check-up is conducted for each student. A record for the same is maintained systematically and shared with the respective parents.
  • Transport
    The school takes care to cater to the commuting needs of students. Consequently, the buses ply on various routes. In some buses,?school teacher also travels in addition to an attendant(conductor) to ensure safety of the students.
  • Computer Aided Learning 
    The school provides computer aided learning to all students. The air-conditioned lab is well equipped with the latest generation of computers and printers. The concept of smart class has been incorporated into our education system from Class?Nursery to Class XII. This is a computer aided mode that enhances the child’s understanding of various concepts being taught, by creating an audio-visual impact. Teachers also guide students with whole range of course material incorporating the CBSE syllabus with graphics, diagrams, illustrations and animations in 3D format.
  • Counselling 
    The school provides counselling in the following areas: 

a) Counselling for Students: We aim at preventive rather than a curative approach to counselling. In this regard, the Life Skills Program at school covers aspects such as decision making and assertiveness training for students of Classes III-XII. It is conducted by the counsellor and trained student counsellors or the peer moderators. Counselling for students focuses on two aspects- individual counselling sessions for those who are referred by self or teachers and secondly, group counselling sessions related to Stress Management, Time Management, Cyber Crime and various other aspects. In addition, Career Counselling sessions related to the various upcoming fields are held regularly, thereby enabling students to make informed career choices.

Plan for Differently Abled Children

Differently abled children (students with learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, slow learners etc.) are identified by class teachers using a referral form. The school counsellor after analysing the referral form, observes the child and identifies the need for counselling or special education for?the child and accordingly ensures the intervention. The special educator in conjunction with the school counsellor makes individualized educational programmes (IEPs) and maintains a cumulative case history record of the child. Regular meetings with parents are held to inform them about the progress of the child.

b) Counselling for Teachers/Continuous Professional Development: Workshops are organized for professional enrichment of faculty members as well as to sensitize them on various issues pertaining to students, such as identification of special children, behavioural concerns etc.

c) Counselling for Parents: Counselling is provided to parents in order to inform them about the innovative educational programmes and other issues related to their respective ward.

Newspaper in Education Programme
The NIE Programme of the school is aimed at empowering the young learners to be responsible global citizens of tomorrow. The Programme encourages them to read newspapers regularly so as to be aware of social, economic and political scenario within the country and around the world.

The Newspaper in the Education Programme of The Times of India. Under this program, besides getting the customized editions of the newspapers, a plethora of activities are also organized. These encourage creativity, develop critical thinking, enhance personality and make learning fun. Thus, Newspapers?undoubtedly, prove to be a unique tool that holistically aid the process of education.

School Building
The total covered area of the school building is 22764.82?sq. metre. There are three multi-storeyed sides of the building, these blocks have spacious classrooms, well equipped laboratories, computer room, well equipped?library, language rooms for creative activities such as art, painting, music,?dance, etc. School has vast open spaces for assembly and sports activities etc.

The school has well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Psychology and Meal Planning. These laboratories give the students extensive practical experience to supplement the theories learnt in the classroom.

The school believes that every individual is a learner throughout his life and there is no better way to gain knowledge and wisdom than reading a book. The school has a well-equipped library with a large stock of books including encyclopaedias, fiction,?reference books etc. School library also?subscribe to number of magazines and journals. The system of bar coding has been initiated in the library to facilitate the accession process and the stock taking. The school has also introduced the system of?classroom library from grade Nursery- grade X. These well-equipped class?libraries consist of books, that are carefully chosen, to cater to the specified age- group and provide a wide variety as well. Every fortnight, each child is issued a book from the class?library, in addition to those issued?from the Departmental Library.

Art Rooms 
There are two art rooms in the school to cater to the needs of different departments. These rooms tastefully decorated with drawings/paintings/artefacts prepared by the students are the hub for students to express and hone their artistic abilities.

Music and Dance Rooms 
The school provides training to students in Instrumental or vocal music, as per their interest and capability. Students can further make a choice between learning to play Indian classical or Western musical instruments. Further, there is a provision for?dance?rooms where the students are?trained in various forms of dance.

Staff Rooms
Ridge Valley School has a staff room for the teaching staff. Each staff member is provided with a cupboard or a locker. The staff room act as hubs for faculty interaction as well as other professional activities by the members.

