Author's meet - Ridge Valley School Gurgaon - Best CBSE School for Holistic Education
Author’s meet

Author’s meet

Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.” ― E.B. White 

DLF QEC Innovative School Ridge Valley organised an enriching session with the renowned author, Ms. Monika Kowaleczko Szumowska. Ms. Monika, a Polish film producer, writer, screenwriter, translator and author of numerous books for children and youth, introduced the students to ‘Brave Bunch’ in India which is an interactive documentary project for children and youth. The film Brave Bunch – Uprising Through the Eyes of Children has been screened at international festivals and has won numerous awards. The author and producer shared insights into the story of an Indian Maharaja, ‘Maharaja’s Children — Brave Bunch in India’; the true story of 10-year-old Wiesio, one of a thousand Polish children who were saved from the hell of World War II by an Indian Maharaja, Jam Saheb Digvijaysinhji.  The interactive session helped students to appreciate the importance of being empathetic and  learn the lesson of facing life’s challenges bravely.
